Effective Prayer


In this book, Rev. Johnson teaches the principles of effective prayer. He uses nine biblical stories to bring out the unique aspects and essence of effective prayer made by simple people in desperate situations and circumstances. You will learn how these 9-People shared a personal relationship with God and what made their prayers effective.

Category: Product ID: 2512


In this book, you’ll learn from the Prayer Life of these 9 Biblical Characters

  1. Prayer of Abraham – The Negotiator
  2. Prayer of Moses – Seeking God
  3. Prayer of Jabez – For Blessing & Honor
  4. Prayer of Elijah – Against all odds
  5. Prayer of Hannah – An emotional Prayer
  6. Prayer of the Widow – Persistent and Determined
  7. Prayer of the Believers – Anointing to Overcome
  8. Prayer of Paul – Spiritual Empowerment for Others
  9. Prayer of Jesus – A Discipline
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